FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is Trending Audio/Song?

It's an audio on Instagram that is trending, more and more creators are using it. Some of these reels are going viral.

2. Will reels 100% go viral if use Trending Audio/Song?

Using Trending Audio/Song is not a loophole or a gimmick that guaranteed virality. Base on our team's experiment, it helps to boost engagement and views ONLY if the content is good.

If you want to learn how to create good content, you can watch Reels Masterclass. It's free for members.

3. How are the trending audio/song selected?

The audio/song are selected base on our team's experience and prediction. Not all of them will go viral but most of them will become very popular.

4. How to use the Template?

There are 2 options. If you have the 'use template' function on your Instagram account, click the button and upload your videos on Instagram app.

If you don't have that function on your account, you can download our template and use editing app such as Capcut or InShot to replace the video.

Here's the tutorial.

5. It's expensive to maintain to create templates and search trending audio, how is ReelsNinja.com making money?

Thank you for your concern. Our team makes money from coaching, courses and management services.

Remember, templates will help you days or weeks of your time. But the strategy is the key to grow your account fast.